One Girl and Her Books

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ~Mark Twain

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Sister by Poppy Adams

I have been reading a lot recently in the shop as it is painfully quiet! I picked this up at the library after seeing it at Chapters. It opens in a crumbling mansion in Dorset where Ginny is awaiting the return of her sister Vivi after an absence of over 50 years. The reunion evokes much emotion and flashbacks fill the reader in on the series of events that led to Vivi leaving the family home for London. I didn't like the narrator, Ginny. I found her irritating from the start but wondered if maybe the writer envisaged her to have Aspergers Syndrome as her writing was very unemotional, even regarding the most bizarre events. Also, Ginny is a lepidopterologist - a moth expert, and some of these facts and descriptions got rather tedious. I probably wouldn't recommend you to buy it new but if it's in the library or you can pick it up in a garage sale ... then it's worth a scan!

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